

英 ['paɪləs]
美 ['paɪləs]


  • n.


  • 英英释义

    pilus[ 'pailəs ]

    • n.
      • any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal


      • hairlike structure especially on the surface of a cell or microorganism



    Pilus assembly by Agrobacterium T-DNA transfer genes.
    Type IV pilus structure bacterial pathogenicity
    Pilus and nonpilus bacterial adhesins: assembly and function in cell recognition
    A pneumococcal pilus influences virulence and host inflammatory responses
    An inducible bundle-forming pilus of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
    Group A Streptococcus produce pilus-like structures containing protective antigens and Lancefield T antigens
    Use of phoA gene fusions to identify a pilus colonization factor coordinately regulated with cholera toxin
    A bacteriophage encoding a pathogenicity island, a type-IV pilus and a phage receptor in cholera bacteria
    Localization of the receptor-binding protein adhesin at the tip of the bacterial pilus
    Use of phoA gene fusions to identify a pilus colonizing factor coordinately regulated with cholera toxin. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA